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Join the Google Education Admin Group (GEAG)

The GEAG is a global community program where administrators who manage ChromeOS, Chromebooks, and/or Workspace for educational institutions can learn, share, collaborate, and connect.

Created for technology admins

The GEAG was created for CIOs, CTOs, tech directors, network admins, and other system-level technology administrators who manage ChromeOS, Chromebooks, and/or Workspace for educational institutions.

Built for collaboration

The GEAG fosters a vibrant community which empowers admins to optimize the use of Google tools within their educational environments.

Evolving for your needs

GEAG offers in-person and virtual events, fresh content, peer-to-peer forums, and the latest updates on Google for Education products, all at no cost.

Communication without barriers

Virtual communication tools leverage AI-powered real-time translation in 38 languages, allowing leaders to communicate seamlessly in their preferred language.

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Join the Google Education Admin Group

Are you an education admin who manages ChromeOS, Chromebooks, and/or Workspace for educational institutions? Register for the Google Education Admin Group (GEAG) and access exclusive content, live events, resources, and engage with a community of administrators from around the world.

Sign up here for updates, insights, resources, and more.